Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Beautiful Places in Saudi Arabia

You should visit Saudi Arabia because it has good and beautiful places. Moreover, the striated population of Saudi Arabia around twenty million people. Situate Saudi Arabia in the south west of the Asian. If you go there you can buy the best souvenir in my country, it's called "THOP". It is formal and special clothes for men; it looks like white dress. There are many different regions in Saudi Arabia. Each region has its own culture and traditions. In my city the cost of any things is very cheap. The basic unit of currency Saudi Arabia was the Saudi Riyal and the dollar equivalent of nearly 3.75 R.S. Makkah is the one of the famous cities in my country. Makkah is the holiest spot in the Islam. Also, the Kaaba which is tends to Muslims all over the world in their prayers five times a day. Moreover, The Taif is a good place in the summer because it has cool air and many beautiful places. If you want a good trip, you should visit Saudi Arabia and enjoying there.

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